Addresses of the Superintendents of the Department of Practical Art, delivered in the theatre at Marlborough House: I. On the facilities afforded to all classes of the community for obtaining education in art, by Henry Cole ...
London Chapman and Hall 1853
24. Nov. 1852: II. On the methods employed for imparting education in art to all classes, by Richard Redgrave, ... 27. Nov. 1852. Bound with Correspondence between the Lords of the Committee of the Privy Council for Trade, London Harrison & Sons 1853 28pp and REDGRAVE, Richard, On the Necessity of Principles in Teaching Design, London Chapman Hall 1853,52pp, LINDLEY, John The Symmetry of Vegetation, 51pp illustrated in text and Introductory Lecture on the Museum of Ornamental Art of the Department, both London L Chapman and Hall 1854. Marbled end paper, Gilt decorated and lettered red morocco. Very good internally, all edges a little rubbed. Philip Cuncliffe Owen, 8 June 1828 – 23 March 1894) was an exhibition organizer and latterly, the Director of the South Kensington Museum in London. Signed by him on title page. Uncommon.