A sure method of improving estates by plantations of oak, elm, ash, beech, and other timber-trees, coppice woods. &c. Wherein is demonstrated, the necessity and advantages thereof; their manner of raising, cultivating, felling, &c. in all kinds of soils, whereby estates may be greatly improved. Offered to the consideration of the nobility of the gentry of Great-Britain
London Printed for Francis Clay and Daniel Browne 1728
First edition. 8vo., [10], xxii 274 pp., one folding engraved plate, contemporary sprinkled calf, gilt decorated spine with raised bands. Repaired at head and foot spine. New spine label. In this copy the last two pages 273 and 274 misbound between xx and page I of the book. These are index pages. Henrey 929 Dedicated to Lord Torrington [ of Southill ] and fellow admirals in the Navy advocating tree planting to ensure a good supply of timber for the future. Bookplate of Geo. Irton of Irton Hall, Cumberland.