Llandogo, Near Monmouth, Old Stile Press 1989
Limited edition of 220 copies, this being no. 174 signed by the artist, J. Martin Pitts. pp [75]. Linocut illustrations throughout. Original publisher's quarter black cloth, with title blind stamped at spine and blue illustrated paper boards. Hardback. Slip-Case. 4to. No dust wrapper as issued. Copiously illustrated in colour and black and white throughout. The images in the book are inspired by ritural dances held in the ancient city of Thera. First among the sanctuaries and temples of the city was that of Apollo Karneios and in the middle of the month Karneios (August-September) the Karneia took place - the solemn and important festival introduced from Sparta.At the height of the festivities and when the moon was full, were the Gymnopaediae. On a specially dedicated square, close by the cliff edge, and watched by the citizens (some of whom were moved to express their feelings in graffiti which are still visible in the stones) naked boys danced and sang paeans to the patron of the palaestra, Apollo Kourotrophos,From the collection of Bruce Wannell with his bookplate which was specially made by Mark Hearld in York. Very good copy.