This year we have been moving our store room which supports our bookshop. Lots of titles have come to light that were at the bottom of piles of books on the floor there. Some of these are now featuring in our two most recent lists respectively on Landscape Design and Housing. The latter formed our list 100. I can hardly believe we have produced so many lists over the years of trading. You can find both these lists on the Catalogue section of the website.
We are also planning to be out and about in April with a visit to the Oxford Book Fair which is being held in a smart new hall at the Headington Campus on Saturday 21st April and Sunday 22nd April. Come along if you live in striking distance as it is always good for us to put names to faces.
We continue to seek unusual books for sale. We are looking for trade catalogues for stained glass windows in particular to add to a collection of trade material produced in the 19th century which will be a short specialist list issued in May or June.