Architecture Architecture

  • Tag = Architecture Architecture
  • Air raid protection : the facts / by 10 Cambridge scientists by POSTGATE, R. [ General Editor ]
    POSTGATE, R. [ General Editor ]
    Air raid protection : the facts / by 10 Cambridge scientists

    London : Fact, 1938

    97 pp illustrated with line ills. Wrappers Subject: Air defences -- Civil defence -- Great Britain --: Fact : a monograph was issued once a month ; no. 13. 97 pages. Written in the pre war period the book opens with the statement that ARP would soon be known widely by its initials.

    Stock ID: 23247
    View basket More details Price: £22.00
  • ASLET C.
    Quinlan Terry: The Revival of Architecture.

    London, Viking, 1986.

    223pp illus. with photographs and the architect's own drawings and linocuts. 4to. Vg in very good dust wrapper. A major illustrated monograph on on of Britain's modern classicist architects.

    Stock ID: 23245
    View basket More details Price: £40.00
  • Concrete Buildings for Landed Estates in Great Britain and Ireland by [Irish architectural interest] BIRCH, John.
    [Irish architectural interest] BIRCH, John.
    Concrete Buildings for Landed Estates in Great Britain and Ireland

    London T Pettitt & Co. 1881

    39pp, 15pp b/w plates some double page. Green cloth with gilt titles and decoration on upper board. Small 4to. Slightly shaky at hinges. Head of spine slightly rubbed else very good copy. Several examples shown are from Ireland. He shows designs for labourers' cottages for the Earl of Carysfort at Glenart and for the Earl of Wicklow at Shelton Abbey, Co. Wicklow, and for labourers' cottages and a gate lodge for the Earl of Roden at Tollymore, Co. Down. There are also designs a temperance inn on the Glenart Estates in the Vale of Avoca, and for two farm houses and a school with an attached schoolmistress's house in other Irish locations. He…


    London T Pettitt & Co. 1881

    39pp, 15pp b/w plates some double page. Green cloth with gilt titles and decoration on upper board. Small 4to. Slightly shaky at hinges. Head of spine slightly rubbed else very good copy. Several examples shown are from Ireland. He shows designs for labourers' cottages for the Earl of Carysfort at Glenart and for the Earl of Wicklow at Shelton Abbey, Co. Wicklow, and for labourers' cottages and a gate lodge for the Earl of Roden at Tollymore, Co. Down. There are also designs a temperance inn on the Glenart Estates in the Vale of Avoca, and for two farm houses and a school with an attached schoolmistress's house in other Irish locations. He brought out several books of designs for buildings on country estates. These include Picturesque Lodges (1879), Country Architecture: A Work Designed for the Use of the Nobility and Country Gentlemen amongst others. Built projects span both England and Ireland.

    Stock ID: 23037
    View basket More details Price: £140.00
  • BEVAN, Bernard
    History of Spanish Architecture

    London Batsford 1938

    Frontispiece, Xvi + 199pp. Half-tone photographic plates throughout text along with various diagrams, tables and line illustrations. Plus 2 fold-out maps. 8vo. Blue cloth covered boards with gilt titles on spine. Dustwrapper. Spine a little sunned and upper edge of dustwrapper slightly bumped. Dust wrapper design by Brian Cook. Spine a little faded. The first general survey of Spanish Architecture since c.1850. Very good.

    Stock ID: 23241
    View basket More details Price: £30.00
  • THOMPSON A Hamilton
    The Cathedral Churches of England

    London SPCK 1925

    Xvi + 235pp. xxxi tipped in sepia plates illustrate the text. 8vo. Green cloth covered boards with gilt lettering on spine. A little dusty and book block slightly foxed, else good.

    Stock ID: 23239
    View basket More details Price: £20.00
  • A Scots Mediaeval Architect by Signed by the author (MOROW) MACGREGOR CHALMERS P
    Signed by the author (MOROW) MACGREGOR CHALMERS P
    A Scots Mediaeval Architect

    Glasgow William Hodge and Co 1895

    Limited to a print run of 200 copies. Xii + 76pp. Mustard yellow cloth covers boards with gilt title and coat of arms of St John the Evangelist on upper cover and title on spine. Top edge of book block gilt, other edges untrimmed. 8vo. Corners a little bumped and cloth marked with ink (?) on upper edge of front board. General signs of age apparent but a very good copy otherwise. Tipped in half tone plates alongside b/w illustrations. This is the first monograph devoted to the master mason of the early 15th century, John Morow. A useful compilation of material on this key figure in the evolution of Scottish gothic architectural…


    Glasgow William Hodge and Co 1895

    Limited to a print run of 200 copies. Xii + 76pp. Mustard yellow cloth covers boards with gilt title and coat of arms of St John the Evangelist on upper cover and title on spine. Top edge of book block gilt, other edges untrimmed. 8vo. Corners a little bumped and cloth marked with ink (?) on upper edge of front board. General signs of age apparent but a very good copy otherwise. Tipped in half tone plates alongside b/w illustrations. This is the first monograph devoted to the master mason of the early 15th century, John Morow. A useful compilation of material on this key figure in the evolution of Scottish gothic architectural style, though recent work of Richard Fawcett has shown aspects of the dating and associations are incorrect in detail. First published in the short-lived Scots Lore Magazine, 1895. Bookplate of the Hon. Hew Dalrymple [General Sir Hew Whitefoord Dalrymple, 1st Baronet] on front paste-down.

    Stock ID: 23233
    View basket More details Price: £65.00
  • The Mediaeval Stone Carver in Scotland by RICHARDSON, James S.
    RICHARDSON, James S.
    The Mediaeval Stone Carver in Scotland

    Edinburgh University Press 1964

    From the Rhind Lectures, 1948 – 49. [iii] 79pp of text + c.127pp illustrations. 8vo. 130 photographs of examples of the art of the Scottish stone mason. Green cloth covered boards with gilt lettering on spine and gilt Mediaeval figure embossed onto upper board. Decorated end papers. Dust wrapper chipped at base, top and edges of spine. Price clipped. Splattering of faint fox marks on prelims else very good indeed. James S Richardson was the first H.M. Inspector of Ancient Monuments of Scotland.

    Stock ID: 23232
    View basket More details Price: £30.00
  • Scottish Church Architecture by COLTART J.S.
    Scottish Church Architecture

    London The Sheldon Press 1936

    Xi + 264pp. b/w photographs and illustrations throughout. 8vo. Blue cloth covered boards with black titles on spine. Dust wrapper slightly bumped along top edge. Very good indeed. Book jacket designed by Richard Bogle (1889 – 1976). Addresses Scottish Church Architecture from the 12th to 19th century.

    Stock ID: 23231
    View basket More details Price: £20.00
  • The Cathedrals and Churches of Italy by BUMPUS T. Francis
    BUMPUS T. Francis
    The Cathedrals and Churches of Italy

    London T. Werner Laurie Ltd 1926

    Colour frontispiece with tissue guard. Viii + 398pp. Last four pages uncut. 79 illustrations, 8 of these in colour. Map of Italy embossed onto front paste down. Blue end papers match the dust wrapper. This with past down colour illustration of Bergamo's Santa Maria Maggiore. Beneath this, blue cloth covered boards with gilt titling on spine and upper board along with elaborate ironwork design. Top edge of book block, is blue with other edges uncut. Dustwrapper a little bumped along top edge else a fine copy of this comprehensive text. Originally printed as three separate volumes, reissued in this new complete volume in 1926

    Stock ID: 23230
    View basket More details Price: £40.00
  • Une maison - un palais: by LE CORBUSIER
    Une maison - un palais: A la Recherche d'une Unité Architecturale

    Paris Cres et Cie, 1928

    228 pages : illustrations. Red cloth with gilt titles. Very good copy. French text. Part of the Collection de '' l'esprit nouveau.''

    Stock ID: 23223
    View basket More details Price: £140.00
  • The Complete Works of Robert and James Adam by KING, David.
    KING, David.
    The Complete Works of Robert and James Adam

    Oxford Butterworth Heinneman 1991

    xii, 447 pp., 598 illustrations, 30 in colour. 4to. Very good in slightly worn dust wrapper. Published in association with the University of Stirling. This book was produced as the first complete catalogue of their executed works. Birthday dedication on the half title in neat hand.

    Stock ID: 23221
    View basket More details Price: £45.00
  • Village Housing in the Tropics by DREW Jane and FRY Maxwell in collaboration with FORD Harry L.
    DREW Jane and FRY Maxwell in collaboration with FORD Harry L.
    Village Housing in the Tropics with special reference to West Africa

    London Lund Humpries 1947

    First edition. 134pp illustrated with b/w plates and line ills. long 8vo. Decorated end papers which are maps. Open weave lettered green cloth. Good copy in slightly frayed dust wrapper. Defines the issues surrounding new build houses for tropical areas covering house design, layout of village, services and landscape conservation and tree planting. Hard to find. Written with colonial overtones and with the end papers showing the Colonies as they then were, the book itself, written whilst Fry had a posting in West Africa, was a key publication in considering the role of architects and planners in Africa. It adopts a blanket approach to housing in tropical environments but was the start of the duos…


    London Lund Humpries 1947

    First edition. 134pp illustrated with b/w plates and line ills. long 8vo. Decorated end papers which are maps. Open weave lettered green cloth. Good copy in slightly frayed dust wrapper. Defines the issues surrounding new build houses for tropical areas covering house design, layout of village, services and landscape conservation and tree planting. Hard to find. Written with colonial overtones and with the end papers showing the Colonies as they then were, the book itself, written whilst Fry had a posting in West Africa, was a key publication in considering the role of architects and planners in Africa. It adopts a blanket approach to housing in tropical environments but was the start of the duos interest in the subject and by 1956 they had revised their view to be more locally relevant across the tropical world and they promoted distinctiveness by culture and country. Their shift in views was reflected in a second book on housing in the tropics and humid zones.

    Stock ID: 23217
    View basket More details Price: £120.00
  • Scotland's Lost Houses by GOW Ian
    GOW Ian
    Scotland's Lost Houses

    London: Aurum Press Ltd and the National Trust for Scotland 2006

    192pp with high quality b/w images throughout. 4to. Wraps version. Very good. A selection of twenty of Scotland's most important lost houses, prefaced with a comprehensive introductory survey of the era of destruction.

    Stock ID: 23215
    View basket More details Price: £35.00
    EMERY, Anthony.
    GREATER MEDIEVAL HOUSES OF ENGLAND AND WALES, 1300-1500. Three volumes: Volume I. Northern England; Volume II. East Anglia, Central England and Wales; Volume III. Southern England.

    Cambridge University Press, 1996;2000;2006.

    xiv,435; xv,724; xv,727pp, 4to. Volume 1 and 2 are bound in laminated boards with house illustrations on each, Volume 3 is cloth with dust wrapper. All very good indeed. All illustrated with b/w photographs and some plans and line ills. Very useful gazetteer of major survivals from the period. The books assess the development of houses between the 11th and 16th centuries - from Norman to Tudor times. The archive of Anthony Emery, which comprises material that is the background to these comprehensive books, is held by Historic England at Swindon.

    Stock ID: 23214
    View basket More details Price: £325.00
  • STRONG Roy, BINNEY Marcus and HARRIS John
    The Destruction of the Country House 1875-1975

    London Thames and Hudson 1974

    190pp illus with 383 b/w illus. Book to accompany an exhibition concerned with the future of the heritage. Small 4to. Wraps version. Good copy. Cover design is Halunby Hall, Yorkshire. Important for the gazetteer of lost properties it includes.

    Stock ID: 23206
    View basket More details Price: £55.00
  • [BURNET]
    Modern Architectural Art: Sir John J Burnet & Partners

    Cheltenham Ed J Burrow & Co. Ltd & Kingsway London 1924

    48pp illustrated with bw plates. Some period ads. Stitched booklet Stiff card wrappers with printed titles. Spine split but internally very good. An album of Modern Architectural Art dealing with the work of John J Burnett, Thos. S Tait and David Raeside. The intention was to publish a second volume of Sir John Burnet's work as Volume II. From the office of Thomas S Tait, via a relative. Illustrations include Selfridges, The British Museum, The Insitute of Chemistry amongst other projects. Lovely item. Scarce. 2 copies listed on World Cat.

    Stock ID: 23203
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    Delhi the Imperial City: A guide for tourists and visitors.

    Printed by T.N.Tholal at the Federal Trade Press, New Delhi [1935] 1953

    90pp + period ads and fold out black and white map of Delhi at the end of the book. Decorated stiff card wrappers. From the collection of Gavin Stamp with his bookplate. Paper a little browned else very good. Text in English. Good images of New Delhi, the Old Fort etc. Loosely inserted colour post card [blank] of New Delhi. Gavin Stamp went to India in the early 1970s following in the footsteps to some extent of Robert Byron. Nice association copy of a great period guide focusing on the architecture and archaeology of the city.

    Stock ID: 23198
    View basket More details Price: £40.00
  • BUTTERFIELD, Esq., William
    Elevations, Sections and Details of Saint John Baptist Church at Shottesbroke, Berkshire

    Oxford Oxford Architectural Society 1844

    vi (including frontispiece and title page) + 7pp + 10 plates (6 double page) bound in on centre fold of each plate. Original book and wrappers re-cased into new binding. Recent binding comprises quarter bound leather with marbled paper boards, gilt ruled lines and titling on spine. Tall Quarto. Internally, foxed throughout and top right corner of pages a little bumped. Butterfield presented these images of the church with which he was involved in reworking. Originally established in 1347 or thereabouts.

    Stock ID: 23196
    View basket More details Price: £65.00
    Working-Class Residential Flats in Reinforced Concrete: Report on a competition for designs of blocks of working-c;ass residential flats in reinforced concrete organized by the Cement Marketing Company Ltd.

    London The British Portland Cement Manufacturers Ltd nd 1935

    63pp illustrated wit b/w plates, line ills etc. 4to. Decorated wrappers. Wrappers worn and scuffed along spine. Previous owner's signature on half title. The winning design is described and illustrated and was designed by Messrs B. Lubetkin & Tecton with Ove Arup. Other project also are described and illustrated including work by A P Lloyd, E W Collins and George Smith, (second place). Fascinating publication. Hard to find.

    Stock ID: 23193
    View basket More details Price: £125.00
  • CLARK, Barry. BOYDELL, Stephanie l & FLETCHER, Richard.
    The Northern Art Workers' Guild and the Arts and Crafts movement in Manchester

    Manchester MCR Publications 2024

    168pp illustrated with colour and b/w plates. Square 4to. Decorated wrappers. New This beautifully illustrated book examines the impact of the Arts and Crafts movement in Manchester and the overlooked history of the Northern Art Workers' Guild from its formation in 1896 through its demise in 1912.Unlike the London-based Art Workers' Guild, it had active women members from the outset. This book tells the history of a northern craft revival that was neither rural, nor London-focussed, but an essential component of the Arts and Crafts movement located in the heart of industrial England.

    Stock ID: 23186
    View basket More details Price: £22.00