Art and the Empire City: New York, 1825-1861
Yale University Press and the Metropolitan Musuem of Art 2000
652pp illustrated with colour and b/w plates. 4to. Very good with very good dust wrapper. This book reviews the proliferation of the visual arts that occurred during the period in the early development of the City of New York. Covers architecture, art and culture.
Stock ID: 12587More details Price: £25.00 -
Aus englischen Gartenstädten. Beobachtungen und Ergebnisse einer sozialen Studienreise.
Stock ID: 22580More details Price: £320.00 -
An address by Sir William H Lever Bart. To members of the Agricultural and Horticultural Association at the "One and All" Club London Thursday 13th June 1912
Port Sunlight Printed by Lever Brothers Ltd., no date
24pp. Paper wrappers. Very good. Considers the nature of co-partnership or profit sharing. June 1912 The Hon. H.A. Stanhope residing. Lecture stating the principles of co-partnership by Lever who was a commitment advocate of this approach to business at Port Sunlight. Ownership stamp of D Burpee on upper wrapper.
Stock ID: 19074More details Price: £28.00 -
Conservation of Nature in England and Wales
Report of the Wild Life Conservation Special Committee (England and Wales) Cmd. 7122
London, His Majesty's Stationary Office 1947
[TANSLEY REPORT] v + 139pp. 8vo. Pamphlet. Previous owner's name, date and location in ink on front cover. Pocket on back cover missing items and reverse cover stained with rust marks from staples. Good copy otherwise of this important report.
Stock ID: 14598More details Price: £24.00 -
County Development Plan 1951
Written Analysis prepared for the County Council of Durham
Durham County Council Press 1951
320pp illustrated with b/w photographs, plans, including some fold outs and diagrams. Red cloth as issued. Signature of Jonathan Wager on front end paper. Good copy. The plan initiated the concept of "Category D" villages that basically identified settlements Durham County Council would no longer invest in. A concept that led depressingly to the decline of much of West Durham as the designation stigmatised the old mining areas of the County.
Stock ID: 22518More details Price: £65.00 -
Devon - A Survey of its Coast, Moors, and Rivers with some Suggestions for their Preservation For the Devon Branch of the Council for the Preservation of Rural England. With a Preface by THE HON. SIR JOHN FORTESCUE.
London University of London 1932
xx, + 144pp. Frontispiece, 6 folding maps, 44 plates, 3 text plans. Large 4to. Cloth. In unclipped and fine dust wrapper.
Stock ID: 23220More details Price: £55.00 -
Dramatisations of History The Masque of Ancient Learning and Its Many Meanings and II the Masque of Medieval and Modern Learning and Its Many Meanings
London Sociological Publications Ltd, Edinburgh Patrick Geddes and Colleagues Bombay, The Modern Publishing Company 1923
6th edition. 198pp Paper decorated wrappers. Very good although small tear at base of the spine. Printed at the Huxley Press, Madras.
Stock ID: 23224More details Price: £22.00 -
Final Report of the 18th Congress of the International Federation for Housing and Town Planning Hastings 1946
London, published by the organisation 1946
234pp. Stiff card wraps. Small 4to. Very good copy. Congress held 7-12 October 1946. Focus was on post war reconstruction. Papers were read relating to Exeter, London, Rotterdam,Liege, Warsaw and France in general. Contributors included Patrick Abercrombie, Thomas Sharp, Sir George Pepler,Catherine Bauer, Baston Bardet, Uno Ahren,H G van Beusekom, Netherlands and many others. The findings represent a great gathering of minds in the immediate post-war period where post war reconstruction and planning issues were discussed. A major group of papers were given over to the approaches to implementation.
Stock ID: 22918More details Price: £75.00 -
Housing for Special Purposes: Supplement to the Housing Manual 1949
HMSO 1951
43pp, illustrated with bw photographs and detailed miniature floor plans. Paper wrappers. Very good. Reports on student housing, hostels, housing for the elderly and disabled, and the housing needs of district nurses.
Stock ID: 13475More details Price: £14.00 -
Knight's Guide to the Arrangement and Construction of Workhouse Buildings
with notes and diagrams on the requirements and recommendations of the Local Government Board in regard to the erection of Poor Law Institutions
London Knight and Co. 1889
115pp + diagrams of work house layouts etc. Also c 12pp period ads printed on contrasting grey paper and including yellow end paper with adverts. Cloth with gilt titles. Very slightly rubbed at head and base of spine and corners else very good copy. Royal 8vo. Fascinating on the design of the buildings written at a time where approaches to the poor and under privileged were being addressed by the new class of professional architects in association with those in local government who were involved in the planning and regulation of housing and cities.
Stock ID: 22309More details Price: £185.00 -
Planned A.R.P.
Architectural Press 1939
138pp illus. with b/w ills and plates. Small 4to. Red lettered cloth, sl. sunned and worn at top of spine and some foxing sporadically found throughout and on book block. A good copy otherwise, of this key text on air raid attacks and methods for countering these. Based on the investigation of structural protection against air raid attack in the Metropolitan Borough of Finsbury. Bookplate on front paste down: "The Final Examination, Qualifying for Candidature as Associate. RIBA. The Ashpitel Prize, 1938 awarded to George Gaze Pace."
Stock ID: 22717More details Price: £70.00 -
Portrait of a City's Housing: being the results of a detailed Survey in the City of York 1935-9
London, Faber and Faber Ltd 1945
54pp. Wrappers. 8vo. Edited with an introduction and comments by R. L. Reiss. Drawn from work related to Rowntrees' studies first published in Poverty and Town Life and other publications, which Reiss suggests were not well enough circulated because of the outbreak of World War II. Hard to find.
Stock ID: 23207More details Price: £40.00 -
Problems of Reconstruction Lectures and Addresses, Delivered at the Summer Meeting at the Hampstead Garden Suburb, August, 1917
London. T Fisher Unwin Ltd 1918
315pp. Cloth. Slightly faded on the spine. Arranged in four sections. I First Principles of Reconstruction 2 Reconstruction and Education 3 Social and Industrial Reconstruction 4 Arts and Crafts in relation to Reconstruction. Contributors included many luminaries of the day including J H B Masterman, Henrietta Barnett, Sidney Webb, Henry Clausen, C A Voysey, May Morris and many others. Fascinating assembly of liberal minds of the day. Faint stamp of Guildford Labour Party Bookshop probably contemporary with issue of the book.
Stock ID: 22119More details Price: £85.00 -
Rebuilding Britain Series no 1-9
1. Overture to Planning by F J Osborn, w. Britain's Town and Country Pattern: A summary of the Barlow, Scott and Uthwatt Reports with intro by G D H Cole by Nuffield Reconstruction Survey, 3. The War and the Planning Outlook by W A Robson, 4. Planning for Living by Clough Williams Ellis, 5. Industry and Town Planning by Roland Pumphrey, 6. The Land and Planning by F J Osborn, 7. Planning and the Countryside by the Town and Country PLaning Association, 8. The Social Foundation of Post-War Building by Lewis Mumford and 9. Civic Design and the Home by Arnold Whittock.
Stock ID: 20898More details Price: £65.00
Sheffield Replanned
Sheffield Sheffield City Council, Town Planning Committee 1945
74 pages illustrated with plans and diagrams and photographs several in colour. Cloth backed boards with title lettering. VG condition. A useful review of the proposals for Sheffield redevelopment and post war reconstruction. Superb maps showing bomb damage to city centre, proposal including colour images of the proposed new civic square. Ownership stamp on upper wrapper of York Architect, George Gaze Pace RIBA.
Stock ID: 22725More details Price: £45.00 -
Site Planning in Practice at Welwyn Garden City
London Ernest Benn 1927
5pp + 102 b/w full page plates. 4to. Red cloth. Good copy of this scarce title on the planning of Welwyn. Contributions by Charles Benjamin Purdom. Hard to find. Louis de Soissons was involved with the establishment of the master plan for Welwyn Garden City and was appointed architect for the town in 1920. It was the first major commission for the practice and it remained significantly involved in its development over the next 60 years. Previous owner's name on front end paper. Hard to find.
Stock ID: 22041More details Price: £185.00 -
Spur Road Housing Estate Official opening Thursday 26 June 1958
Hendon Borough Council 1958
16pp including 6 b/w photographs of the scheme, a portrait of Elizabeth the Wueen Mother and map of the estate. Card wrappers, ribbon tie. Very good. The booklet records events of the day and a description of the estate. The estate included 119 houses, as well as 352 flats in six 11 storey point blocks, 5 four storey blocks and 1 two storey block. Built by Wimpey using no fines concrete. Hailed as a great success when first occupied, the scheme, like many similar ones, suffered from poor maintenance, was demolished in 2018 and the site had been redeveloped.
Stock ID: 22597More details Price: £40.00 -
The Next War:
The British Industries Fair
London Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Company Limited, 1916
66pp Red paper boards, titles in black lettering. Worn and dusty binding.
Stock ID: 22165More details Price: £35.00 -
The Pioneer Co-Partnership Suburb
A record of Progress issued as a souvenir of the visit T R H The Duke and Duchess of Connaught to declare open the Brentham Club and Institute of the Ealing Tenants Limited and published by Co-Partnership Publishers Limited 1912
Letchworth Garden City Press undated [1990]
Facsimile reprint. 33pp illustrated with b/w plates + [c8]pp period ads. Decorated wrappers. Includes colour and folded map of Brentham Garden Suburb. This garden suburb, near Pitshanger in Ealing, was the first garden suburb in London to be built in cooperative principles, predating the larger and better-known Hampstead Garden Suburb by some years. It was mostly built between 1901 and 1915. Reprint of original documentaion.
Stock ID: 21253More details Price: £28.00 -
The Worlds of Patrick Geddes:
Chapel Hill The University of Carolina Press 1944
Frontis portrait of Patrick Geddes, xv + 504pp, b/w illustrations and figures including fold out plan. Large 8vo. Boards. Foreword by Lewis Mumford. A thorough and insightful biography and study of Patrick Geddes (1854-1932) life as well as his innovative ideas and action which have shaped town planning and urban sociology ever since. Hard to find.
Stock ID: 22114More details Price: £60.00