Perspective Practical. Or, A Plain and Easie Method of True…

Perspective Practical. Or, A Plain and Easie Method of True and Lively Representing all Things to the Eye at a Distance, by the Exact Rules of Art

London Printed for Robert Pricke over against Aldermary Chruch in Bowe Lane; and are to be sold by S. Sprint, at the Bell in Little Britain 1698

[15], 18, [1], 19-41, [1], 42-121, [1], 122-128, [1], 129-150, [3] leaves, : 150 engr. illustrations. Engraved frontispiece called for. Quarto. Full calf, rebacked with new spine, raised bands and gilt lettered black label. Good copy. Pricke's translation was first published in 1672 (ESTC r1804); this is a re-issue. Last three leaves are an advertisement for other books printed for Robert Pricke. An attractive copy of this abundantly illustrated standard work on perspective drawing.

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