ALS signed from John Piper to George Pace 27 October…

ALS signed from John Piper to George Pace 27 October 1968 by [PIPER] PIPER, John < >
  • Another image of ALS signed from John Piper to George Pace 27 October 1968 by [PIPER] PIPER, John
  • Another image of ALS signed from John Piper to George Pace 27 October 1968 by [PIPER] PIPER, John
  • Another image of ALS signed from John Piper to George Pace 27 October 1968 by [PIPER] PIPER, John

ALS signed from John Piper to George Pace 27 October 1968

with offprint also signed by Piper of an article on Street's Yorkshire Churches and Contemporary Criticism by Basil F. L. Clarke and John Piper, reprinted from Concerning Architecture written for Pevsner on his 65th birthday. Letter concerns the Shell Guides to Essex and Wiltshire. It also refers to a model being made by George Pace in collaboration with Paul Paget of Seely & Paget, Surveyors to the Fabric of St George's Chapel. The chapel was constructed 1967-69. A model was planned to show the relationship between the new memorial chapel on the north side of the building. In the end an axonometric projection drawing was made to show the relationship between old and new. The model was subsequently made from a commercial kit in 1979-1980 by architect and son of George Pace, Peter Pace which shows the scale of the new building in contrast to the original chapel. John Piper designed the stained glass for the chapel which was installed by Peter Reyntiens. The project is explained in the biography of George Pace p 217-20 published by Batsford in 1990.

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