Concertina photograph album c1953 -1957 26 photographs, 25 tipped in. 125 x169mm portrait. Orange cloth. Missing original fastener. Records a photo shoot with designer and model in a garden. Photographs by K[arl] L[udwig] Haenchen, [ b 1909 d 2003 ]. Signed by the designer Hans Gehringer. In the period from 1930 until the second world war he was considered one of the most important German Fashion Photographers. After the war he increasingly focused on photographing celebrities and diversified his career into film and composition of music. This album represents the transition in his work. The photographs record the fashion designer in his garden with his wife and another woman posing in various elegant dresses for which he became renowned as part of the post war German fashion scene. The loose image with the stamp of K L Haenchen dated 1-9-53 – dedication signed by Hans Gehringer 5-9-1957.