Presweld Construction for Schools 3'4 grid Mark III Trade Catalogue
Wills, Albion Road, West Bromwich undated c1955
32pp illustrated with b/w plates showing interiors and exteriors of schools + plans and diagrams the latter on green pages. Long 4to. Very good copy but central gathering adrift from staples which hold the whole publication together. Individual schools built by this method illustrated and in each case the architect is named. Based on a modular system of building. Adapted from an original larger grid size initially developed in 1944, by a committee headed up by John Leslie Martin and C H Aslin. Double page spread showing Apsley School Nottingham layout using the grid system + many other schemes for secondary schools. Architect's and associated engineering teams all noted." Hills Presweld Steel Framework" was a method widely adopted in post war construction period for both schools and steel framed houses. Hinchcliffe had founded Hills in 1932 as a patent glazing company, since this time when it had rapidly expanded and had divisions making steel window frames, rooflights and light steel structural.