Rebuilding Britain Series no 1-9 1. Overture to Planning by F J Osborn, w. Britain's Town and Country Pattern: A summary of the Barlow, Scott and Uthwatt Reports with intro by G D H Cole by Nuffield Reconstruction Survey, 3. The War and the Planning Outlook by W A Robson, 4. Planning for Living by Clough Williams Ellis, 5. Industry and Town Planning by Roland Pumphrey, 6. The Land and Planning by F J Osborn, 7. Planning and the Countryside by the Town and Country PLaning Association, 8. The Social Foundation of Post-War Building by Lewis Mumford and 9. Civic Design and the Home by Arnold Whittock.
London Faber and Faber 1941
Collected pamphlets on aspects of planning particularly relating to post war reconstruction. Pagination separate for each title: Each of these titles was produced as individual titles in wrapper and this is a collected edition of the first 9. Pagination is no 1 29pp, no 2 111pp no 3 28pp no 4 36pp no 5 36pp no 6 56pp no 7 40pp no 8 40pp no 9 39pp. Wrappers not bound in. Bookplate of R W Paterson on front paste down and on the half title of some of the pamphlets. Front end paper has hand written list of items which make up the whole publication which is useful for navigating between the nine items bound together. Blue cloth, this a bit shabby else a good and very useful collection of material which together addresses most of the contemporary planning issues relating to post-war reconstruction. Four further numbers were produced post dating this collection.