London Hilton
London not given 1963
Illustrated portfolio containing 22 items. Printed folder with photomontage of hotel building over a map of London. This a little worn at all edges. Includes 6 bright b/w press photographs of interiors, bars restaurants, rooms etc + 1 exterior image. The images have an information sheet attached to the back excepting for one; Press release for the opening of the London Hilton 1963 Architects Lewis Solomon, Kaye and Partners; 11pp document with b/w illustrations titled 'The Story of the building' which outlines design, planning and construction problems + solutions; 13 staple bound documents with information relating to many different areas of hotel construction, management and finance + some lesser items. Also includes, loosely inserted, a press articles from the Daily Mail, April 19th 1963 which shows panoramic images of London taken from the roof of the London Hilton, with reference to this perspective the associated article raises the question 'are we living in the ugly sixties?'. A fascinating selection of material relating to high-rise construction as well hospitality. The hotel is located in Park Lane, overlooking Hyde Park. When constructed, as a 28-storey Y-shaped tower, it was considered controversial as an intrusion on the park and surrounding buildings.